Happy No-Snow Day

Last February we had a “big chill”, which London’s transport system was totally unprepared for. It was a disgrace, and meant that people like me were physically unable to get to work – despite our longing to be able to get there so that we could perform our daily duties. Instead we were forced to spend the day at home, making snow angels and building snow men in the street, having snow fights, sledging down any remotely sloped surface and generally having an awful time. I remember the day bitterly.

I am therefore glad that the forecast severe weather warning and 10cm of snow failed to arrive in Willesden Green last night, and was in no way disappointed to wake up to a mere couple of inches of white fluff covering our garden rather than the promised snow drifts. I am also thankful that the Jubilee line is working to its usual high standards despite the snow, and I did not spend the first hours of my day watching the travel updates on the news and hoping for some sort of mechanical failure / freak blizzard [please delete as appropriate] in our area. I relish the fact that I am currently sat at my desk on my lunch break rather than being curled up at home on the sofa under a duvet, watching a movie with a big bowl of soup.

And above all, I hope to God that the snow that’s been falling since 8am does not continue until tomorrow morning, disrupting the tube and bus services, thus meaning that I am unable to complete my daily commute into Central London, to my place of work. Should this happen, I will be filled with regret and longing for my desk and will not in fact be cavorting in the snow all day, with the occassional checking of emails when I happen to be inside warming up with a hot chocolate ready for the next onslaught of snow balls.

My heartfelt sympathies go out to all of you who are incapacitated due to the snow. But, for the rest of you – happy no-snow day!


3 Responses

  1. I love it! I hope you make use (should the terrible chance happen of being snowed in at home tomorow), in between frolicking in the snow, write another episode. x

  2. Erm, excuuuuuse me, but while you get to fuck off home two hours earlier than usual, some of us have to stay at work until end of play, so you can shut it.

    • Erm, excuse me but as you can read from my above post – I’m extremely upset and disappointed about having to leave the office early.

      Now, where’s my coat??


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