
Hello and welcome!

If you are reading this blog, then chances are that you already know quite a bit about me.  But if you were unlucky enough to find yourself here by accident, then please let me introduce myself.  My name is Carly and I am a twenty-something girl living around 30 mins out of London, the UK.  I work in marketing, which is why you may come across lots of media related blog entries.  More specifically, I worked in the video games industry for around 8 years at the start of my career and still love all things interactive – hence the game references that litter the blog.

Other than that, I am passionate about animals and nature, and, up until a few years ago, hada fairly unusual collection of pets for a Londoner.  These consisted of George, the moody pre-teen bearded dragon, as well as a rather noisy and quite frankly naughty raft of ducks. However, we had to re-home all our animals when we moved a bit further north to a smaller house without a garden…  😦  And now that we’re in a bigger house again, we have a relatively normal two cats to keep us company.

My other (and perhaps more common) passion is for food and wine.  I absolutely love cooking, as well as visiting as many restaurants as I can get to.  My husband and I try to visit restaurants as much as we can, and I’ll no doubt be blogging about these experiences – good and bad.

In terms of this blog, it was my sister who inspired me to start About  a Girl, since she lives in New York City, and started her own fabulous blog a while ago.  In reading it, I feel much closer to her and thought that I would give it a whirl myself. So, I set this blog space up a while ago now and am ashamed to say that, despite having written a few blog entries throughout 2010 and 2011, I haven’t been back since. And A LOT has happened since I was here last… I’m now married to a wonderful guy, I’m working in the travel industry, I’m living in Hertfordshire and above all else, I feel very happy and settled.

Thanks to a good friend of mine, I also have a renewed passion for crafting – from knitting , curled up on the sofa in the winter months, to making notice boards from old wine corks, to painting up plant pots, to busting out the sewing machine… I’m basically a jack of all crafts, and master of none. And I’ll try to blog about my attempts at making things on these pages.

And once again I have promised myself that I will start contributing more regularly from now on.  Hopefully I’ll have at least a couple of guaranteed readers in my overseas family.  And if I manage to pick up any more along the way, then that’s fabulous too!

So, that’s me!  Whether I know you or not, it would be great to hear a little bit about you so please feel free to leave your notes and comments below.


2 Responses

  1. Love it, I have learnt some new things about you. Keep it up:)

  2. I am glad my blog did something is was intended too and INSPIRED you.

    Love you. Keep up the resolution! And if you are an avid reader you would know I don’t like resolutions so I will just be getting on with 2010!!


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