Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Note to All Media Buying Agencies…
January 9, 2010

Media buying is all about purchasing time and ad space for the purpose of advertising. This includes slots within / around certain TV programmes for TV ads, as well as pages in magazines / news

Sticking with the theme of my last post, even when you have a decent and effective advert, placement is crucial. These beauties show just what can go wrong… :-s

Note to All Advertising Creative Agencies…
January 2, 2010

The definition of advertising is “the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media”. Please pay extra attention to the part that says “attracting” – which I assume is meant in the sense that potential consumers are supposed to see an advertisement and then want to BUY said product or service. What, then, were these advertisers thinking??