The Snowman
January 7, 2010

As those of you that read the comments section of “Happy No-snow Day” yesterday will be aware that my office closed at 3:30pm yesterday to allow people extra time to get home safely in the snow storm. By the time I left, it was around 4pm and the pavements in Willesden Green were already a death-trap – and that was before another night of freezing temperatures to solidify all the snow. So, this morning (and I apologise for my fashion faux-pas Leila, but safety first!) I had to resort to wearing these rather attractive hiking boots to work:

Particularly attractive when worn with tights and a black shirt-dress, I have to say. Despite looking like the littlest hobo and one pretty convincing “Bambi on ice” impression, the boots (and the fact that “the boyfriend” kindly walked me to the bus stop) prevented any broken bones. Sadly though, we still haven’t had enough snow for another full Snow Day. 😦 However, lots of people outside of London (my sister and niece included) have been having a fabulous week, and have been making particularly good use of the snow through sledging, snow ball fights, making igloos (or eggloos, as my niece calls them) and generally having a good time. However, by far the best way to put all that snow to good use is, in my humble opinion, to make a snowman. And over the past couple of days, people have really excelled themselves at this one, and looking through these has brightened my spirits on another otherwise non-eventful no-snow day.

Good work, people of the snowy Great Britain!
